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Christine Chen

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 313

Christine Chen is a graduate journalist at Accountants Daily and Accounting Times, the leading sources of news, insight, and educational content for professionals in the accounting sector.

Previously, Christine has written for City Hub, the South Sydney Herald and Honi Soit. She has also produced online content for LegalVision and completed internships at EY and Deloitte.

Christine has a commerce degree from the University of Western Australia and is studying a Juris Doctor degree at the University of Sydney. 

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ATO mulls delaying GST refunds to weed out bogus claims

Commissioner Chris Jordan has told Senate estimates that tight turnaround times hamper the Tax Office’s ability to pre ... READ MORE

ATO defends ‘strong’ GST fraud controls against ANAO criticism

The Tax Office says it is equipped to respond to fraud despite a critical report released by the national audit office o ... READ MORE

Why employee v contractor comes down to fine print

The task of worker classification has been a long-running point of contention but the Commissioner’s response to recen ... READ MORE

Operators, accountant of Chapel Street bars fined $137k

La La Bar Group’s records were “grossly inadequate” but its director and manager showed no contrition or remorse f ... READ MORE

Bracket creep hands top earners biggest tax breaks, survey finds

A co-director of the latest HILDA survey says the government must go further than stage 3 cuts to lower the average tax ... READ MORE

Pressure mounts on government to curb negative gearing, CGT

The tax reform debate turns from stage 3 cuts to the concessions available for property investors ahead of the federal b ... READ MORE

ATO expands employment tax crackdown through random audits

The novel tactic involves “all-encompassing” reviews of businesses’ PAYG, FBT and superannuation obligations, mid- ... READ MORE

​​Stage 3 tax cuts divide accountants

CA ANZ members disagree on whether they will add to inflation and be good for the economy, a survey finds. ... READ MORE

‘No confidence’ in PwC’s ethics, senators say

Members of the inquiry into consulting services doubt the firm's ability to reform due to its refusal to share crucial d ... READ MORE